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Top Industries That Depend On Generators For Off-Grid Power

CSL Power Systems

For many businesses across the globe, generators are invaluable to their operations. As a primary power source or as a backup in an emergency, having a generator to hand can help a company to operate smoothly, ensuring that all appliances and equipment have an accessible power source when needed. In this article from CSL Power Systems, you can discover the types of industries that rely on the benefits of generators for their operations.

About Diesel Generators

Before learning which industries typically choose generators for off-grid power, it can be helpful to learn what diesel generators are. These systems provide backup power or primary power if the electrical grid is not available. Diesel generators work by converting diesel fuel into mechanical energy, ready to be used for a variety of applications.

The Industries That Utilise Off-Grid Generators

Diesel generators are known for their versatility, as they apply to a variety of purposes. Their applications span industries, from use at healthcare facilities to supporting construction sites. In this section, you can discover the industries that off-grid generators are invaluable to.

Water Treatment

To provide clean and safe water, water industries will need a source of power to get the process done safely and properly. During prolonged periods of energy supply issues, water treatment centres will need a backup. Diesel generators can be the perfect option, great for supplying energy in an emergency. This means safe water can be reliably provided, regardless of any problems with the local electrical grid.


Restaurants are key staples of the hospitality industry, responsible for providing people with a place to eat. To operate properly, hospitality businesses require a great deal of power. This includes electricity to power the lights, as well as a constant source of power for payment options, cooking equipment and food storage appliances. In cases where catering needs to be provided in off-grid locations, diesel generators are often the perfect solution.


The fridges and freezers used in the hospitality industry are required by law to meet a certain temperature, to keep food at a safe temperature. Food required to be refrigerated needs to be done at a safe level to retain food quality and to prevent the growth of bacteria and foodborne illnesses. Having a backup generator to kick in during an emergency can prevent food from becoming unsuitable for consumption due to temperature changes, further reducing levels of unnecessary food waste.


Typically located away from urban environments, agriculture businesses often rely on power to get the job done. Off-grid diesel generators can provide power for irrigation systems, as well as power for lighting greenhouses. These systems are invaluable to many businesses, ensuring that crops are well-looked after using modern advances in technology.

Research Facilities

As research facilities are typically based in remote locations, this can often lead to a tentative connection to power. From harsh weather conditions to a lack of local power, having a reliable solution is a great idea for many research facilities. Diesel generators are a trustworthy source, making them invaluable to field research in off-grid areas.

Construction Sites

Building projects often have strict schedules that need to be adhered to strictly. As power tools are often supplied with energy, there needs to be a constant source of power on hand if the permanent source malfunctions. Luckily, construction sites are often supported by backup generators, offering a solution in times of need. This helps projects to stay both on schedule and on budget, making them arguably invaluable to many construction companies.

Data Centres

As a facility that houses computer systems, data centres store, process and distribute data. These are invaluable resources for many different businesses and organisations, making it imperative that they remain functional. To operate, data centres require a continuous source of energy. In off-grid areas or in the event of a failure, data centres can benefit from the installation of industrial generators, which will provide the much-needed energy. 


As an incredibly important industry, healthcare facilities require constant power to assist with medical emergencies. Many life-saving machines require power to work, including certain ventilators and intravenous pumps. In some cases, healthcare facilities will need to be positioned in off-grid locations, making a working generator a necessity.


Certain medicines must also be kept at certain temperatures, making medical-grade fridges and freezers incredibly important. These systems will need to be constantly powered, including when they remain unattended. Using a power supply such as a diesel generator will keep these electrical systems running, even in the middle of the night.

The Benefits of Off-Grid Generators

There are many reasons why off-grid generators are chosen over other power solutions, thanks to their variety of benefits. If you’re considering installing an off-grid generator, it can be helpful to know how these are beneficial. In this section, you can discover the advantages of off-grid generators across a wide range of industries.

Range of Options

Available in shapes and sizes, there’s no shortage of diesel generators on the market today. Finding an option that works for your business is simple, as the variety of options available allows you to quickly choose a solution that will fit your needs. If you’re unsure of the criteria you should look for, it can be helpful to speak to experts in industrial generators.

Energy Independence

A reliance on an external energy source can typically work well, as it continuously provides power. In areas where supplied energy is unreliable, however, energy independence can be vital. Thankfully, off-grid generators can provide a way for you to source energy without relying on outside sources, providing you with full freedom and independence.


Applicable to a variety of situations and places, diesel generators can be perfect for many different workplaces. Generators can typically also be stored outside, as long as they’re adequately protected from the weather and tampering, meaning they won’t need to take up valuable indoor space. These systems can connect to a variety of electrical systems, making them a great backup for a wide range of industries.


One of the main advantages of diesel generators is that they’re there to support you in an emergency scenario. Generators are built to be strong and resilient, helping them to stay in check all year round. Additionally, modern generators are now built using advanced technology, typically improving overall performance. These systems also tend to be fuel efficient, meaning they are less likely than other alternatives to waste any fuel that they have been provided.

Long Lifespan

While the lifespan of a diesel generator will depend on the type you opt for, typically diesel generators have a lifespan of around 20-25 years, making them a worthwhile investment. Maintenance is important when it comes to retaining their lifespan, so if you choose to opt for a generator, make sure to choose a system that you can provide care for. Experts in diesel generators can generally provide advice for its care, as well as assistance should anything go wrong.

Preparedness in Emergencies

Unfortunately, you never quite know when an emergency may strike. To keep business operations going or to allow your staff to escape a dangerous situation, you will need to prepare for the worst-case scenario before it happens. Diesel generators are great for providing emergency power, which can be essential in lighting the way for employees to escape a building or for helping staff get in touch with emergency services.

Our Services

If your business could benefit from a generator installation, we have the products you need at CSL Power Systems, including genuine Cummins generators and parts. Our team has over 20 years of experience in providing both permanent and temporary power solutions across the UK, giving us the knowledge and experience needed to get an installation completely carefully and smoothly. We even offer generator maintenance and servicing, to keep your new generator in check for years to come.


Please visit our website to learn more about us and our high-quality generators at CSL Power Systems. Alternatively, get in touch with our team directly for a quote on our services.


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